Replacements / Finishing

To achieve maximum growth rate over a given period requires mineral and trace element nutrition to be very adequate ahead of that period. So while high quality feed on its own can finish cattle well, deficiencies need to be ruled out beforehand and reserves sufficient to see the finishing period out. Voluntary intake is also paramount and especially so on purpose sown green feed crops.
Beef Products > Breeding | Replacements/Finishing | Feed Utilisation
Beef Products > Breeding | Replacements/Finishing | Feed Utilisation
Replacements / Finishing Products
Once out on grass the calf’s trace element absorption rate drops. This is influenced by the changing proportion of milk and pasture in their diet. REPLACEMENT Cattle Lick is designed to compensate for the dietary challenge calves face once they are out on pasture. This product was designed for dairy / dairy x beef calves, though is also beneficial for older cattle that are poor, or have been through severe feed restriction.
Once out on grass the calf’s trace element absorption rate drops. This is influenced by the changing proportion of milk and pasture in their diet. REPLACEMENT Cattle Lick is designed to compensate for the dietary challenge calves face once they are out on pasture. This product was designed for dairy / dairy x beef calves, though is also beneficial for older cattle that are poor, or have been through severe feed restriction.
For those who are set up to administer trace elements via the water supply, CATTELMIN is a convenient way to set young cattle up over the winter and continue through the spring. It is designed to pre-emptively supply trace elements and to ensure growing stock are contented.
For those who are set up to administer trace elements via the water supply, CATTELMIN is a convenient way to set young cattle up over the winter and continue through the spring. It is designed to pre-emptively supply trace elements and to ensure growing stock are contented.
MAGNESIUM Cattle Lick combines trace element delivery with magnesium. So it is targeted for use over winter, in early lactation and again prior to weaning (to settle calves and to teach them). Strategic use of magnesium containing products settle cattle down – more contentment means better weight gain, so it is the product of choice for weaners over the autumn early winter.
MAGNESIUM Cattle Lick combines trace element delivery with magnesium. So it is targeted for use over winter, in early lactation and again prior to weaning (to settle calves and to teach them). Strategic use of magnesium containing products settle cattle down – more contentment means better weight gain, so it is the product of choice for weaners over the autumn early winter.
Weaning is undoubtedly a stressful time which increases the requirement for nutrients, especially vitamins, yet the supply from the rumen is typically reduced. Changing diets, especially when it is onto brassica crops, can give rumen microbes a setback – it takes time for them to transition and often vitamin production is impaired during this time. The impact of this is greatest when the two diets are contrasting in digestibility and effective fibre. Examples: summer dry to summer crop, or from high country pasture to crop. QUICKSHIFT is a drench designed to address this interruption, ensure energy metabolism is unaffected, stimulate rumen microbes and ensure appetite is maintained. It should be given at the change of feed and repeated ten days to two weeks later and is especially indicated for calves with vitamin B1 deficiency.
Weaning is undoubtedly a stressful time which increases the requirement for nutrients, especially vitamins, yet the supply from the rumen is typically reduced. Changing diets, especially when it is onto brassica crops, can give rumen microbes a setback – it takes time for them to transition and often vitamin production is impaired during this time. The impact of this is greatest when the two diets are contrasting in digestibility and effective fibre. Examples: summer dry to summer crop, or from high country pasture to crop. QUICKSHIFT is a drench designed to address this interruption, ensure energy metabolism is unaffected, stimulate rumen microbes and ensure appetite is maintained. It should be given at the change of feed and repeated ten days to two weeks later and is especially indicated for calves with vitamin B1 deficiency.
Depending on the proportion of fodder beet in the winter diet, and where there is a calculated need for additional phosphate, supplementing with DCP (e.g. on straw or silage) is the recommended first choice. Where this is not possible, or results in an inequitable supply, EZP4 BEET is indicated. As a free access source of phosphate, it can also be used to determine if stock are looking for (more) phosphate.
Depending on the proportion of fodder beet in the winter diet, and where there is a calculated need for additional phosphate, supplementing with DCP (e.g. on straw or silage) is the recommended first choice. Where this is not possible, or results in an inequitable supply, EZP4 BEET is indicated. As a free access source of phosphate, it can also be used to determine if stock are looking for (more) phosphate.
Finishing cattle performance on brassica crops relies on palatability and dry matter quality to ensure stock take to the crop quickly, achieve maximum voluntary intake, and are happy to graze to low residuals by choice. SCOFFERT completes the profile of fertiliser nutrients in order to maximise yield (yield response expected in inland areas), improve drymatter quality, increase the proportion of crop utilised, and have stock transition onto the crop quickly. The direct mineral contribution to stock is a secondary agenda – stock grazing treated crops will still benefit from free access minerals, albeit their consumption will be lower.
Finishing cattle performance on brassica crops relies on palatability and dry matter quality to ensure stock take to the crop quickly, achieve maximum voluntary intake, and are happy to graze to low residuals by choice. SCOFFERT completes the profile of fertiliser nutrients in order to maximise yield (yield response expected in inland areas), improve drymatter quality, increase the proportion of crop utilised, and have stock transition onto the crop quickly. The direct mineral contribution to stock is a secondary agenda – stock grazing treated crops will still benefit from free access minerals, albeit their consumption will be lower.