
Gaining weight and especially condition on up-to-weight lambs is fundamentally about voluntary intake. Because this requires feed that is both high quality and highly palatable and appetence, there is great opportunity to set feeds up, and ensure lambs are not limited by anything.
Sheep Products
Tupping | Lambing% | Pre & Post Weaning | Finishing
Wool & Feet | Feed Utilisation
Sheep Products
Tupping | Lambing% | Pre & Post Weaning | Finishing
Wool & Feet | Feed Utilisation
Finishing Products
Ideally NUGGETS should start while lambs are young (i.e. 2-4 weeks old) so that they are set up by weaning. The objective is to draft high yielding lambs earlier. That said, if you are unable to do this or in the case of brought in lambs there is an opportunity to start lambs on NUGGETS after weaning. Farmer measurements indicate an advantage to treatment post weaning (lambs that did not have it pre weaning) of +50g to +100g/day in growth rate. Our South Canterbury trial (30 treated lambs and 30 control lambs identified and weighed between the 2nd and 3rd draft, paddock split) showed the average gain was 8.03kg treated compared to 6.31kg untreated over 20 days; +85g gain per day (+27%) to treatment.
Ideally NUGGETS should start while lambs are young (i.e. 2-4 weeks old) so that they are set up by weaning. The objective is to draft high yielding lambs earlier. That said, if you are unable to do this or in the case of brought in lambs there is an opportunity to start lambs on NUGGETS after weaning. Farmer measurements indicate an advantage to treatment post weaning (lambs that did not have it pre weaning) of +50g to +100g/day in growth rate. Our South Canterbury trial (30 treated lambs and 30 control lambs identified and weighed between the 2nd and 3rd draft, paddock split) showed the average gain was 8.03kg treated compared to 6.31kg untreated over 20 days; +85g gain per day (+27%) to treatment.
Targeted at lesser lambs in the first instance, THRIFT-n-CLEAN is often used between worm drenches where lambs are doing OK and the FEC results are below trigger point, thus extending the worm drench interval. The minerals in THRIFT-n-CLEAN may trigger oesophageal groove closure in some lambs thus diverting the drench squirt passed the rumen, and this can reduce the effectiveness of worm drench. So drench separately from worm drench or drench with THRIFT-n-CLEAN on the way in, emptying lambs overnight and worm drenching before turning them out. For best results add VINEGARL (double strength ACV medicated with standardised garlic extract) when making up the solution and where required SELENIUM can also be added as it is made up.
Targeted at lesser lambs in the first instance, THRIFT-n-CLEAN is often used between worm drenches where lambs are doing OK and the FEC results are below trigger point, thus extending the worm drench interval. The minerals in THRIFT-n-CLEAN may trigger oesophageal groove closure in some lambs thus diverting the drench squirt passed the rumen, and this can reduce the effectiveness of worm drench. So drench separately from worm drench or drench with THRIFT-n-CLEAN on the way in, emptying lambs overnight and worm drenching before turning them out. For best results add VINEGARL (double strength ACV medicated with standardised garlic extract) when making up the solution and where required SELENIUM can also be added as it is made up.
COBALTISE PLUS is a mineral combination for spraying onto pasture (or summer green feed crops). It combines cobalt, iodine, zinc, chromium, sodium, boron, copper (optional). SELENIUM can be added. This combination is designed to benefit lambs but also clover growth.
COBALTISE PLUS is a mineral combination for spraying onto pasture (or summer green feed crops). It combines cobalt, iodine, zinc, chromium, sodium, boron, copper (optional). SELENIUM can be added. This combination is designed to benefit lambs but also clover growth.
Carbohydrate starts as sugar made during photosynthesis. It provides the energy that fuels everything from rumen bug utilisation of feed nitrogen (protein manufacture) to blood sugar for energy. CARBO-BOOST is designed to increase soluble carbohydrate and is applied to finishing paddocks for the top weight range lamb mobs. So the recommendation is to apply it to a selected area of specialised high performance finishing pasture or lucerne. Later in the season CARBO-BOOST is especially beneficial where lambs are up to weight but lack finish – to put condition on lambs quickly.
Trial results: Brix levels (a measure of soluble carbohydrate) were 50% higher on the treated pasture than the untreated, and 200% higher on the treated rape compared to the untreated rape.
Weight gain over 30 days: Treated Control Difference (%)
Pasture 7.71kg 6.87kg +0.84kg (+12%)
Rape 5.09kg 4.13kg +0.96kg (+23%)
Carbohydrate starts as sugar made during photosynthesis. It provides the energy that fuels everything from rumen bug utilisation of feed nitrogen (protein manufacture) to blood sugar for energy. CARBO-BOOST is designed to increase soluble carbohydrate and is applied to finishing paddocks for the top weight range lamb mobs. So the recommendation is to apply it to a selected area of specialised high performance finishing pasture or lucerne. Later in the season CARBO-BOOST is especially beneficial where lambs are up to weight but lack finish – to put condition on lambs quickly.
Trial results: Brix levels (a measure of soluble carbohydrate) were 50% higher on the treated pasture than the untreated, and 200% higher on the treated rape compared to the untreated rape.
Weight gain over 30 days: Treated Control Difference (%)
Pasture 7.71kg 6.87kg +0.84kg (+12%)
Rape 5.09kg 4.13kg +0.96kg (+23%)
Plant breeders note that the single biggest factor limiting performance on brassica crops is intake, and this relates to palatability of the leaf and the digestibility of the stem. SCOFFERT is principally about complete fertilisation to ensure yield is optimised, and to improve feed value including digestibility of the stem leading to improved palatability and with it voluntary intake. Users also report improved drought tolerance of plants and reduced insect attractiveness in crops fertilised with SCOFFERT. A carry over trace element fertilising benefit to new pasture is also the intention when using SCOFFERT. It is applied with fertiliser or lime prior to sowing but can be successfully applied once the crop is up beyond the risk of burning damage (say 6 inches high, and at this stage the crop should be completely dry or about to rain so minerals fall off or are washed off).
Plant breeders note that the single biggest factor limiting performance on brassica crops is intake, and this relates to palatability of the leaf and the digestibility of the stem. SCOFFERT is principally about complete fertilisation to ensure yield is optimised, and to improve feed value including digestibility of the stem leading to improved palatability and with it voluntary intake. Users also report improved drought tolerance of plants and reduced insect attractiveness in crops fertilised with SCOFFERT. A carry over trace element fertilising benefit to new pasture is also the intention when using SCOFFERT. It is applied with fertiliser or lime prior to sowing but can be successfully applied once the crop is up beyond the risk of burning damage (say 6 inches high, and at this stage the crop should be completely dry or about to rain so minerals fall off or are washed off).